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Let's present your follower, make them happy


Recently, I was addicted to social networking media. The fact it was really fun. The twitter courage me to have a very rare friends with sharing a same hobbies and interest. Of course blogging. Indirectly they unite and always be updated in what they are doing.

For me; newbie in this kind of blogging get a lot of inspirations and idea to write because many of my tweeter friends are the people who has an establish and great blog. I read the updates and sometimes I throw some questions if I want to know more. The more friends I have, the more knowledge I get, right?

So, in the very initial steps, I would like to show you the pics of my follower that I've added recently. Actually, I knew this twitter mosaic just from one of my blogger friend's (DedeAndro) post ' TwitterMosaic To see Your Followers As Maosiac'. So friends out there, let's tweet like a bird on the net :P...

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