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Lets Money Be your Slave


Is Money Everything In This World?

“Credit card, house rental, bank loan, study loan, phone bill, and car service, renew road tax and many more…Arghhhh!!!! What the hell are all those things??!! The salary is not enough to live. How could my life being like this :`(. I need more money. Money money money. World is too cruel for people like me. Anyone out there please helps me. (Take note that the above monologue is not related either live or dead. It's just written by boy_bersahaje) “. That scenario is occurred to most of people nowadays. Rich become richer while poor become dead (because of the pressure). The fact now is, world is cruel. But, just in a certain conditions. What are those conditions? Keep on reading…

The logical of money is, you get when you grab. Or the money comes when we’re struggle for it. Right? If we work 8 hours per day and get monthly salary about RM2000 so we need 16 hours per day to get RM4000. This simple mathematically situation can explain briefly bout the theory of logical money.

I always use this sample for my daily and future guidance in making the money. It’s hard to get the money but still easy to throw it away. People just know how to enjoy and get happy with what they get. Wasting there and wasting here. Buy those and buy these. Without thinking the NEEDS in future. For rich man it’s ok la, but desperate one like us, how could? Most probably people love to be stylish and modenish and preetish also not forgotten hansomish kikikiki. But we have our border line, I mean the limitations.

If we get 10 bucks, so we just use 5 bucks. Another 5 we save in the saving. Not use all the money we get. This is one of the succeed people’s policy. You know what am I talking bout? Yeah, that’s it. You right. The main point is think 1 for now and another 1 for future. In future, we will be more prepared in case of emergency such as car breakdown, road tax renew, get sick or anything that need money urgently. The saving is your hero when you’re in the situation (AKA movie). But another character will come out if you don’t have the saving…it is bank, as the director AKA enemy in your blanket. Why I said that? It is because…. (Alamak, abis plak dakwat pen ni, adoyai!!!)

Want to know why? Hehehehe, stay current and watchout for the next release post…Thanx for the reading. Hope you’ll come again to my silly little blog…

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2 Responses to "Lets Money Be your Slave"
Anonymous said :
October 21, 2008 at 11:33 AM
whatever it is...life must go on...money is for our life...it really important now...we cannot escapre from it..
October 22, 2008 at 1:18 AM
yeah!!!dat's rite. money is important as an oxygen!!!