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Fashion and Trends Will Make Crazy


Hei there... I hope that you have a great day today and so on. I just want to spend my sleeping time tonight to write a silly post; like this huhuhu. Even tonight one of a peaceful night in the world, I still cant sleep :(. I don't know why. Last night I slept nearly 5 am. Woke up early in the morning for about 1pm (is that early in the morning Boy?!!!!)hahahahaha.Maybe this is the reason why my sleeping time is not like yours. How can I tune up my sleeping time into ordinary??? Anybody help me please!!!! Just stay up till the other night then sleep like a child? Or baby? Seems does not make a sense because I know I cant be like that. Kikikikikiki (chuckling at that night)

So, in this post I don't want to elaborate or story bout my sleeping time or sleeping child (MLTR song's). Just want to share or maybe discuss about the regarding topic "Is Fashion and Trends Will Make You Crazy? ". I've the experienced when I'm studied in college where that time, I'm the fashion maniac. Frankly say that I'm not a stylish or vogue in dressing like my others colleagues. Starting life in the college, what I know is wearing a cloth, jeans and pants 75% from bundle or garage shop. For me it was looking so cool because I like stuff that look 'season'. Maybe the direct words is old stuff. Seems like my major influence is Curt Cobain (grunge). I don't know huhuhu. Mostly bundle's stuff cost bout RM2-RM25 depends on how it look; also their brand. I wasn't care bout my style on that time.

When I heard my mates, so bersahaje(slumber) said that he bought a 501 Levis for RM305 (bout USD95); I really really surprise how could he spent that much money just wanna buy a jeans??? Is their parents gave him the money and told him to buy that stuff??? Or he save their money for that? Wah!!! This mate very rich la ( I whispered). Without wasting my time, I took the jeans and search what make it 300 bucks stuff... NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING. I just saw 2 mans with their horses. I'm very curios bout this, I asked my friend. "Why this jeans so expensive ha?", then he answered me " This because of the quality and the brand". That time, for me is just because it is Levis. A very popular and glam jeans in the world. So, that's why it is expensive till now. Right dudes? Hehehehehehe.

(Boy Smoking,searching idea)...Continue typing...There are many stuff such as pants, jeans, even shirts are sell in out of mind in terms of price. But people out there are still afford to buy and eager to buy it. For me, the brand, the price is a pride for certain peoples besides be a trendy. Is a good cos they know how to be a part of; maybe smart and stylish. Hei, you know that David Beckham wearing a USD100++ singlet??? Why he don't be our vogue haaa??? Maybe some of us has been like David Beckham, who knows??? God knows...

To make a story; one day my gurl (Ashbahani) told me why not if I bought something that precious for me. Atleast I have 1 or 2 expensive stuff to wear and maybe it will give experience and new property for me to keep. Hmmm that a good idea, I said. When I came back home during 'Hari Raya' season; my 1st request from my mom is a perfume. My mom so surprise (I thought that she wanna jump) that it was my 1st time Ive request for that odd stuff. So, my mon give me some money and I went to MetroJaya with my sister and bro in law...For your information they are to expertise in shopping.huhuhu

So, when at the MetroJaya, we search and and try many perfumes such as DKNY, Ck, Polo, BOSS, Davidoff and many brand that I can't remember.At last, I prefer dunhill. I was comfort with the fragrance cos it smell sexy and confidence. That is my 1st time buying the expensive stuff (I think). I was so happy at the same time feel guilty because I just spend a lot of money for only a stuff. But my bro and my sis said it was a satisfaction when you buy something branded and quality. Is it right?

After that day, the new revolution of my lifestyle is begin. I always searching for a branded stuff. I'm starting to wear Levis 501, Topman cardigans, Guess watch, Quicksilver t-shirt, esprit belt, Canterbury shirt, long sleeve of bonia, timberland shoes, Polo sandle, Armani and Gucci shirt. Huh!!!

Now, when finishing the study I really realized that it just give me a very short of happiness. The happiness I felt is when buying and 1st time to wear it. After that, nothing. Oh I almost forgot, the situation when your friends or peoples around you looking at you and they will impress with you (hahahaha bangga seh!!!) But, what I got? I'm losing my money but still can't be a model in a magazine :p(lol!!!) Till now I still get the effect. When those brand release a new arrival my heart is beeping so fast, my hand is shaking while my head is banging wanna buy it, by hook or by crook!!!! Like a smoker addicted to smoke. Is a same feel when a fashion maniac like me cant get what he want. Arghhhhhh!!!

People growing. Time pass away...A new day rise again and again. I think I must plant a satisfaction attitude deep in my heart. I always compare my self with the poor that live in a great poverty. Thanks god, You're still loving me. Start from now and over I try to manage my money and my shopping life in a very very small margin. Use what I have and buy when need.

Now, the world is facing with the beginning chapter of dropping economy, try to save as much as we can to face with the future possibility. This is most of the worst economy drop since 1938. Try to earn more money and always play safe in what ever we do. Thanx for your time. Give me some comments to make sure all my questions above is answered.hehehehe...Sayonara

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2 Responses to "Fashion and Trends Will Make Crazy"
kayghani said :
October 13, 2008 at 2:43 PM
ko kalo nak tido awal..kul 12 ko dah baring..jangan wat pape pun,set kat kepala ko,ko nak tido..ni tak,kul 12 duk ngadap pc@laptop lagi..apapun,jangan ambil pil tido sudah..rosak otak nanti..selamat tido untuk ko..
October 13, 2008 at 11:51 PM
thanx kay, ko jela yg sudi nasihat kan aku ni.selamat tido jugak untuk mu kay