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Tips for keeping your face look always ‘Wow!!!’


Mostly teenagers searching out the best and freshness of face to feel comfortable and self confidence where ever they go. So, here are some tips for making your skinny face looking good and attracting. Hre we go:

1) Ensure that the hands is cleaned up before touch the face

2) Used only the suitable product for your face. And use it in the morning because the skin produces the fat and dirt during sleep. And also not forgetting to clean up the face before getting sleep.

3) Massage the face gently for about 2-3 minutes before sleep. Massage can make the face look fresh and function up the skin cell.

4) Used the protection of UV when expose to the sun.

5) Exercise about 30 minutes and trice a week for healthier skin.
6) Drink at least 8 glasses plain water daily or more when exercise.

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