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Job Hunting...


The 3 Secrets of Successful Job-hunting

1.Some people are just naturally good at job-hunting.
Since some people have jobs which demand some basic skills, if they are good at their job, they will be good at job-hunting. They have a head start on the rest of us; but of course the rest of us can always learn those skills – self-assessment, detective work, communication, and selling – that they already possess.
2. People who are good at job-hunting are willing to change strategies, depending on the state of the economy.
People who are bad at job-hunting usually don't. They tend to stay with the same strategies during bad times and good. So, if 400 resumes didn't get them a job, they send out 800. It does not occur to them to change their strategy altogether, in keeping with the changing economic conditions.

3. People who are good at job-hunting always have alternatives up their sleeve.
People who are not good at job-hunting tend to fixate on just one way of doing things. When one thing doesn't work, they just switch over to the alternative.

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